Today, Saturday (March 30th) was a brilliant day. I had the opportunity to cast my friend Brians brand new CND Gravity Competiion spey rod. I have been looking forward to this. We laced it up with my Gaelforce Equalizer Altitude Shooting head.
Brian gave it a whirl. Then I had my chance. The rod was powerful and crisp and did not fold. It was light in hand compared to my 20 year old Carron. Less fatiguing. It didn’t bend as much as the Carron, which I still love. I was impressed that I could cast it comfortably because I though I If I were ever to purchase my own CND comp rod I would be destined to the womens and seniors model. But maybe I could produce more line speed with such a model. I think I can cast as far with my Carron
I talked about the rod. Gave it a glowing review and made a few casts on the video. I was happy I had a chance to feel the magic. I was happy to have interesting content for a Youtube video
But that’s not the brilliant part. The Brilliant part was that for some reason I had thrown my Aventic in the car to see how I felt about it now that I’ve changed my technique a little.
When I first tried the Aventik a year or so ago I cast my Galeforce Equalizer 54. The Equalizer has a bit of a longer rear taper and is one of my favorite lines. But with a fast action Euro Scandi rod, a little extra zip is required in the D loop to get a decent cast.
Perfecting my circle up gives me that Good D loop that stays of the water but I wondered if Brian’s Bridge Tributary might bend the rod easier. The 9/10. I checked it out. No rear taper. Perfect. Just like a comp line. I laced it up.
I have gone through so many rods looking for a perfect fast action rod, Euro Scandi style, similar to my Guideline Lecie. I have not really found a rod that fits for me. The Gaelforce G is amazing and it would definitely work. But its more than I want to spend right now. All the rods I tried were nice, and not cheap but didn’t fit.
So I threw that 46′ Tributary on the Aventik and it was flat out amazing. When I move the rod the fly line moved. It was very easy to maintain tension. The rod maintained its crispness while bending enough to uncoil and sent the line out with mass authority. The Tributary is so much like a mini comp line. It unfolds beautifully and powerfully with great turnover. Mind you I wasn’t
t doing Goran Andersson, Klaus Frimore Underhand casting but I knew the action of the rod would do it perfect for my wants. The blank feels better than the Lecie in some ways. Overloading the lecie turns it into a board. Overloading the Aventik turns it into a tighter spring. I am so high on that rod and that line right now. Especially after the disappointment of going through so many rods and spending money that I won’t see again. That part really irks me. I know better.
Believing ad copy by the manufacturer about rods and trusting in anyone else’s reviews online is very sketchy because rod performance is so subjective. I’m very fussy and have an Idea in my mind of how I want a rod to perform. I’m finally figuring out that rods I am passionate about and very particular because I want power and not much flex but others prefer lightness, soul looks etc.
I know I like the Gaelforce stuff and now the CND and of course some of the Bruce and Walker designs and now this Aventik, which I’m actually nuts about. Especially with this line. So I’m thrilled.
These fast action rods are under 150 . 24 hours ago I was thinking I was gonna have to spend a grand or at least several hundred to get the rod I wanted. Now, I’m rethinking the entire paradigm or matrix or my belief system and my critical thinking skills.
This casting trip I’m on has had many highlights most brought on by casting practice the experience of which brings on breakthroughs in techniques. With each new wrinkle comes a shot of energy and excitement, expertise and growth. I’m a little embarrassed to say that purchasing a rod that I thought would be my salvation or even trying a new rod that sounds perfect on paper and having that rod not be the one really kind of gets my dobber down. Its like, holy crap, what do I gotta do to get a good fishing pole around here, I mean, other than spending 1500 bucks.
I’m satisfied that I have proved to myself that it doesnt require a ton of money to buy a rod that works for me. I’ really happy.